Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How to create a Docker container for PostgreSQL

  1. install Docker Desktop from based on your OS.
  2. create your Docker account at and log on.
  3. open a command window (in Windows), and type docker --version to check the docker version.
    • c:\users\testuser>docker --version
    • Docker version 19.03.8, build afacb8b
  4. start Docker Desktop and log on your Docket account.
  5. search postgres from and click postgres Office Image.
  6. in the command window, type "docker pull postgres" to get the latest PostgreSQL image. Note: by default, the PostgreSQL version is the latest. To get a particular version, execute "docker pull postgres:12.2".
  7. in the command window, type the following to create and start a PostgreSQL container (-p for port number <trigger port #:port# in container>):
    • docker run --name containername -h localhost -p 5435:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mypassword -d postgres:12.2
  8. use "docker ps" or "docker container ls" to show the running container status. "docker ps -a" lists all existing containers.
  9. to stop a docket container, type "docker stop containername"
  10. to restart an existing container, type "docker start containername"
  11. get in the docker container by typing "docker exec -it containername bash"
  12. within the container bash shell, you can then log in PostgreSQL as usual
    • psql -U postgres postgres
  13. if you specified host and port numbers when creating the docker postgres container, you can access from the local machine using postgres client
    • psql -h localhost -p 5435 -U postgres -W
  14. to remove the container, use "docker rm -f containername"
  15. to list docker images, type "docker images" or "docker image ls"
  16. to remove an image by name, use "docker image rm -f imagename", or by id using "docker image rmi -f 93d5585e579d"

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